3 Questions for Gentle Visioning

2020 has been rough in many ways and too much has been written about it already for me to add anything new. As we hit the last week of December 2020, a time usually ripe for new-year resolutions and goal setting, I don’t have the energetic optimism I usually feel during this transition. Instead, I find myself meeting this week with a mixture of immense gratitude, some sadness, and a whole lot of exhaustion.

Which is why this year, I’m choosing to take a break from setting Big Hairy Audacious new-year goals. No 66-day habit challenges. No Whole-30 diet plans. No “5x your business revenue” masterminds. Instead, I asked myself:


How might I create a ritual to meet the new year with intention and joy – in a way that’s gentle and kind?


To scratch my own itch, here are three questions I designed for new-year reflection. I’ll be meditating on these as 2021 rolls in. I invite you to try them on and see if they fit what you need right now.

Question 1:


Question 2:


Question 3:


We believe that your vision is only as good as the life you bring to it. Let’s talk.


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